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Minutes, October 2009
Bolton Public Library
Board of Trustees
Meeting October 19, 2009, 6:00 p.m.
Temporary Library Quarters

Present: Roland Ochsenbein, Bob Zak, Chris Sterling
Also present: Kelly Collins

Agenda Items:

The minutes of the September 28th  meeting were approved.

Director’s Report:
The closing date for new staff position applications was October 16. The library received 16 applications for Technical Services Assistant, 17 for Young Adult Assistant, and 13 for part time general circulation Assistant. Search committees will identify candidates to be interviewed. These interviews should be completed and jobs offered by Thanksgiving.

The library has received a request from the Friends to use the services of library staff for one of their programs. This is something the trustees should keep an eye on, since paying staff to assist at Friends’ programs is not part of our budget.

The library’s policy on unattended children has recently been an issue regarding an underage shelver, who was not picked up on time, causing an adult employee to stay late to ensure her safety. Kelly will speak with the parents.

FY 11 Budget:
The trustees will ask a member of Advisory to our next meeting. Our concerns for the next budget cycle are step increases for employees, warrantee expirations for systems in the new library, and unexpected extra expenses such as garbage dumpster, etc.  Kelly will present a budget at the next meeting.

Batco proposal for HDTV studio/equipment:
Batco has expressed an interest in a studio room and permanent cameras in the new library. Unfortunately this request should have been made much earlier in the planning and construction process. The trustees will attempt to work with Batco to help facilitate recording and broadcasting programs at the library.

Girl Scout Donation of a Flag:
The Bolton Girl Scouts have offered to donate a flag to the library. At this time it is unsure what flag they would like to donate. There is a need for an outdoor American Flag, and for the program room, a pole and American flag, a pole and a Massachusetts flag, and a pole for the Bolton flag which the library already has.

William White donation of framed Library Print:
The trustees were very happy to accept William White’s offer to donate a print of a map of Massachusetts with drawings of each town’s library on it. The date of this map is 1904, so our library just made it on to this map. Given the detail of the drawings on the map, the trustees decided that a 30” by 40” print would be appropriate addition to the library.

Final Wording on Dedication Plaque:
After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Bob, seconded by Chris to approve the final wording on the dedication plaque. The motion was passed by a vote of two to one.

Custodian Bid Process:
This has gone out to bid, and is now out of Kelly’s hands.

Status of town payscale adjustment:
The shelver hourly wage still has not been determined. The Town Administrator has asked for a recommendation from the trustees. Kelly has provided a list of shelver wages in other libraries. Bob will look at the data and give a recommendation based on the percentile the town previously recommended to attract the best candidates.

Library Construction Committee Update:
The project is still on time and within budget.

Holliday Hours:
The trustees approved closing the library at 5 p.m. on the day before Thanksgiving.

The next Trustees’ meeting will be Monday, November 9th at 6:00 p.m. in the Temporary Quarters.

Respectfully submitted, the Trustees,

Robert Zak                      Roland Ochsenbein                       Christine Sterling